Tantra snd Sex

Tantra and Sex: Separating Fact from Fiction

Tantra is a spiritual practice with roots in Indian religions and philosophy, and it has been practiced for thousands of years. There are many different schools of tantra, and they vary in their beliefs and practices.

Traditional tantra, also known as “real tantra,” emphasizes the importance of spiritual practice, meditation, and self-discipline as a means to connect with the divine. It aims to help practitioners achieve spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Traditional tantra often involves a deep study of sacred texts and the guidance of a qualified teacher.

On the other hand, “LA tantra” or “neo-tantra” refers to a more modern, Westernized interpretation of tantra that has gained popularity in recent decades. This form of tantra often focuses more on sexuality and personal pleasure, rather than spiritual practice or enlightenment. It may include practices such as meditation, breathwork, and massage, but its primary emphasis is on enhancing sexual pleasure and intimacy.

It’s important to note that while some modern forms of tantra may incorporate elements of traditional tantra, they are not the same thing. Traditional tantra is a deeply spiritual practice that involves years of study and discipline, while neo-tantra is a more modern, Westernized interpretation that emphasizes sexual pleasure and intimacy.


Sexuality is an important part of some tantrik practices, although it’s important to note that not all tantrik practices are sexual in nature. In traditional tantra, sexuality is seen as a natural and sacred aspect of human life, and it can be used as a means to connect with the divine.

In some forms of tantra, sexual practices are used to harness and transmute sexual energy for spiritual growth and enlightenment. This may involve practices such as breathwork, visualization, and meditation, as well as physical practices such as tantric yoga and massage. These practices are often undertaken with a partner and may involve a deep level of trust and intimacy.

It’s important to note that in traditional tantra, sexual practices are typically approached with discipline and reverence, and the focus is on spiritual connection rather than personal gratification. In addition, it’s important to approach any sexual practices with respect and caution, and to seek out qualified teachers and practitioners who can guide you safely and responsibly.

It’s also important to recognize that in modern times, some individuals and groups have appropriated the term “tantra” to describe sexual practices that may not have any basis in traditional tantra. These practices may be based on personal pleasure rather than spiritual growth, and they may not adhere to the same level of discipline or reverence as traditional tantra. It’s important to approach these practices with caution and to do your research to ensure that you are engaging in safe and authentic practices.


In traditional tantra, sex is viewed as a natural and powerful expression of human energy, and it can be harnessed as a tool for spiritual awakening and transformation. In this context, the sexual energy is seen as a manifestation of the life force or “prana” that flows through all living things, and it can be channeled and directed in various ways to help the practitioner to achieve a deeper state of consciousness and connection with the divine.

One of the primary ways in which sex was used as a tool of energy awakening in traditional tantra was through the practice of Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini is a form of yoga that aims to awaken the dormant energy at the base of the spine and to channel it up through the chakras, or energy centers, in the body. Sexual energy was viewed as one of the most powerful ways to awaken and activate the Kundalini energy, and certain sexual practices, such as certain forms of sexual yoga or Tantric sex, were used to help practitioners to do this.

Another way in which sex was used as a tool of energy awakening was through the practice of certain forms of Tantric ritual. These rituals often involved a combination of physical postures, breathwork, visualization, and sexual practices, and were designed to create a powerful container for the flow of energy and to help the practitioners to connect with the divine.

It’s important to note that in traditional tantra, sex was typically approached with discipline and reverence, and the focus was on spiritual connection rather than personal gratification. These practices were often undertaken with a partner and may involve a deep level of trust and intimacy.


Tantra massage, as it is commonly understood in modern times, is generally considered to be a new practice that has emerged in recent decades. While the use of massage and touch is a part of some traditional tantrik practices, the specific form and techniques used in modern tantra massage are often quite different.

Many modern practitioners of tantra massage draw on a range of traditions and practices, including elements of traditional tantra, yoga, Taoist sexuality practices, and modern bodywork techniques. The aim of the massage is typically to help the recipient to relax and to connect with their body and breath, while also exploring sensations and aspects of intimacy and connection.

It’s important to note that while tantra massage can be a safe and enjoyable practice when approached with respect and care, it is not a traditional or widely accepted practice within traditional tantrik circles. Some traditional practitioners of tantra view modern tantra massage as a distortion or misinterpretation of the original teachings, and caution that it should be approached with caution and with an understanding of its origins and underlying principles.

The name “tantra” can certainly be appealing to some Western practitioners who are interested in exploring the spiritual and energetic dimensions of sexuality. However, it’s important to recognize that the true teachings of traditional tantra go far beyond sexual pleasure and are rooted in a deep spiritual and philosophical tradition.

Unfortunately, in recent years, the term “tantra” has been co-opted by some individuals and organizations to market a range of sexual services and experiences, some of which may be exploitative or harmful. It’s important to be discerning and cautious when seeking out tantra teachers or practitioners, and to approach any sexual practices with a deep respect for the transformative power of sexual energy.

If you are interested in learning more about tantra massage, it’s important to seek out qualified and experienced practitioners who can guide you safely and responsibly. It’s also important to approach any sexual practices with respect and caution, and to be mindful of your own boundaries and those of your partner.


It’s true that in traditional tantra, sexuality was viewed as a natural and sacred aspect of human life, and it was often approached with a sense of reverence and spiritual purpose. However, it’s also true that modern Western practices of tantra have often placed a greater emphasis on sexual pleasure and personal gratification than on spiritual growth and awakening.

This shift may be due in part to the cultural context in which modern Western practitioners of tantra are operating, which often values individualism and personal freedom over tradition and discipline. It may also be due to the fact that many modern practitioners of tantra are not trained in the full range of traditional tantrik practices, and may not have a deep understanding of the underlying spiritual principles and disciplines that guide those practices.

It’s important to recognize that while modern Western practices of tantra may differ in some ways from traditional tantrik practices, there is still value to be found in exploring the spiritual and energetic dimensions of sexuality. However, it’s important to approach any sexual practices with respect and caution, and to seek out qualified teachers and practitioners who can guide you safely and responsibly.